Sample Email Submisssion

Below is a sample email which you are welcome to use as part of your submission to TPB

For those who prefer to respond in Chinese then use the Bilingual letter in PDF format which was prepared to support the original submission.



Subject: Submission on Application Y/I-SKC/1

Dear Members of The Town Planning Board

RE: Rezoning of Sites to Facilitate the Implementation of the Government’s Integrated Waste Management Policy for Hong Kong

I write to support the planning application (Application No.: Y/I-SKC/1) both in terms of the original submission and now the revised submission which contains a summary of the application in “Figure 1: Distribution of IWMF to handle the 6,180tpd MSW in the 4 Proposed Sites”.

I support the application for the following reasons:

1. HK’s municipal solid waste (MSW) is a pressing issue, and the community should support a holistic action plan as shown in this proposal.

2. This application proposes 4 sites to accommodate regional Integrated Waste Management Facilities (IWMFs). These are to include a range of facilities appropriate to each site including sorting systems, composting plants, and as a last resort, a small waste-to-energy plant based on modern technology. This is a better approach than Governments current proposals for scattered facilities with inadequate capacity to address the issue comprehensively.

3. The 4 sites are well distributed throughout HK and will be convenient to different catchments of MSW generation. Three are either on existing or in close proximity to landfill sites. All 4 sites are far from residential developments and three of them have sea access.

4. The application shows that Government’s proposal of setting up a partial IWMF (comprising 1 large 3,000 tpd incinerator and 1 small 200 tpd mechanical sorting plant) on a new artificial island adjacent to Shek Kwu Chau (SKC) is redundant.  It is far from sources of waste and far from the WENT Landfill at Tuen Mun where the residual ash is to be disposed, and is shown to not be economic.

5. SKC has been identified as a Conservation Area and its surrounding waters are of high ecological value. The proposal to rezone the site to a Marine Reserve is therefore appropriate.

6. The regional IWMFs proposal has many advantages over the Government’s SKC proposal in terms of, quicker implementation, transportation costs, project risk, design flexibility, sustainability and costs.  The application proposes a sensible, quick and logical, long term solution to HK’s MSW problems.

Thank you for recording my support for this application.
